



$ hg glog --style=compact
@  1[tip]   e581cb4d1a5c   2013-08-20 17:33 +0900   brainstorm
|    add .hgignore
o  0   941c6df61fd2   2013-08-20 17:33 +0900   brainstorm
     add README.txt

hg histedit 0でエディタが開く

pick 941c6df61fd2 0 add README.txt
pick e581cb4d1a5c 1 add .hgignore

# Edit history between 941c6df61fd2 and e581cb4d1a5c
# Commands:
#  p, pick = use commit
#  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#  f, fold = use commit, but fold into previous commit (combines N and N-1)
#  d, drop = remove commit from history
#  m, mess = edit message without changing commit content


pick e581cb4d1a5c 1 add .hgignore
pick 941c6df61fd2 0 add README.txt

# Edit history between 941c6df61fd2 and e581cb4d1a5c
# Commands:
#  p, pick = use commit
#  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#  f, fold = use commit, but fold into previous commit (combines N and N-1)
#  d, drop = remove commit from history
#  m, mess = edit message without changing commit content


$ hg glog --style=compact
@  1[tip]   434347dbb452   2013-08-20 17:33 +0900   brainstorm
|    add README.txt
o  0   dee75f45d9a6   2013-08-20 17:33 +0900   brainstorm
     add .hgignore


HisteditExtension - Mercurial